Digital Edge Webinar: “How Destination Imagery Impacts the Expectation of Experience”

[wvc_embed_video url=”” title=”Webinar: How Your Destination Imagery Impacts The Expectation Of Experience” image=”5793″]

Miss the debut Digital Edge ‘nar?  Have no fear, we’ve got you covered above.  Enjoy the full dispatch.

What happened when our agency took a more scientific approach to working with Destination imagery?

In Digital Edge’s first webinar, we uncovered a few things:

• Imagery ideas that DMOs (destination marketing organizations) can use to make the most impact.

• Visual examples of what works and what doesn’t when marketing to a DMOs different audience segments.

• How to utilize image assets for meetings and sports marketing needs

In guiding the listener through the scientific approach of both producing and utilizing DMO assets for your marketing efforts, Mya and Andge also discussed this blog on terrible destination marketing photos you’ll love as well as this blog on cinemagraphs.

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