Sports Services

A winning sports marketing strategy takes more than just a game plan — it needs the finesse of a seasoned and skilled team. Follow the right playbook, and you'll score a tourism home run.

Your Trusted Goal-Getters

Destinations looking to expand their sports business need to have a partnership in place to do so.

You need to focus on your destination’s specific sports offerings and hone the targeting to drive business opportunities. You also need to make sure your campaign to promote sports events is aligned with your destination’s overall brand.

We’ve got the intel and expertise to help you achieve this.

Sports Services

Digital Edge develops campaigns to promote athletic events in your destination.

Strategic sports consulting, including planning, execution and measurement

Targeted digital media aimed at decision-makers in youth and adult sports, tournaments and esports

Sports-focused content marketing, case studies and visual asset advisement

Database management for segmentation and growth of qualified contacts

Research for focus groups and customer advisory boards

Sports-focused research and media production, along with professional video production

Looking for that edge?

Contact our team directly.