Don’t Skimp on Building Your Email Database

One of the most influential marketing channels for your meetings marketing campaign is email. And friends, it isn’t changing anytime soon!

Tradeshow contacts for email database image - Digital EdgeToo often for DMOs, when a salesperson returns from a trade show, the planners met at the show are not put into an email marketing campaign to build upon the interest garnered at the show. Upon their return, sales team members can get inundated and become too busy to enter all of the information into their database as they prepare for the next show, client event, FAM or other sales activity. We can relate to this! Sadly, the planner email database can remain weak at best. 

 That’s why building your database is one of the single most important objectives for a meetings marketing campaign. Without this collection of data, your marketing message will have limited reach within this powerful marketing channel. Of course, it isn’t just up to the sales teams. 

Grow Your email database image - Digital EdgeGrowing your meeting planner database takes experience, strategy, and different and creative approaches. Maybe your DMO already has a good database. Great! Are you making the most of it through email personalization, content segmentation or automation, and eye-grabbing design? What about retargeting to those who haven’t yet converted? This along with other marketing strategies can be leveraged with a strong (or growing!) database for a successful meetings marketing campaign. 

Some of the services we offer include email validation, email database evaluation, and development of email marketing strategies to help you reach particular market segments, geographical markets, short-term bookings and much more. With our email strategy, we help your team take advantage of all the opportunities to reach meeting planners as they move through the planning cycle, driving awareness and conversions.

 When it comes to one of our favorite marketing channels, we can help! We love us some email marketing! Just reach out through our contact form—yep, it sends your message right to us!   

 And for a closer look at what it takes to build your meeting planner database, along with with other meetings marketing sales tactics, download our full ebook, “Put Some Wind in your Sales,” here. 

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