In a recent study by Travel Technology News, blue backgrounds on digital creative perform best and those that are animated perform 7% higher conversion rate.
A study of digital creative outlines the best colors and content to use in order to boost conversions. A blue background performs best with users, with white following close behind and purple holding up a distant third. Black, orange, brown and grey perform the most dismally.
Ads with a length of stay performed 167% better while those without underperformed by 18%. Analysts note that by making the trip quantifiable, the ad was able to perform better.
Animated ads have a 7% higher conversion rate, with 6-9 second animations converting the highest, at 138%; a logo placed in the lower left corner have 81% higher conversion rates than those with a logo placed anywhere else and ads that include offers have on average a 98% higher conversion rate than those that don’t.
For all of our Digital Edge clients, don’t worry. Not only do we follow best practices like these, but we also test all of our digital creative using visual eye testing to ensure optimal performance.
Read the full study synopsis here.