How to Leverage Your Meetings Marketing & Collaborate with Economic Development 

How to Leverage Your Meetings Marketing & Collaborate with Economic Development  DMOU Podcast with Mya Surrency, Co-Founder  Mya Surrency, our Co-Founder, is featured on DMOU’s Podcast discussing how DMOs have been marketing to meeting planners for years, and how huge the opportunity to innovate their approach is. Mya joins DMOU to discuss a recently developed […]

Video Landing Pages for your Destination Marketing

We both know why we’re here. We’ll start by showing you the ropes. You already know video is important for your destination marketing pages-sure. Who doesn’t? But what kind of video? How long should it be? Where does it belong? And how can you be sure you’re positioning yourself to maximize your conversions? Let’s take […]

Don’t Skimp on Building Your Email Database

One of the most influential marketing channels for your meetings marketing campaign is email. And friends, it isn’t changing anytime soon! Too often for DMOs, when a salesperson returns from a trade show, the planners met at the show are not put into an email marketing campaign to build upon the interest garnered at the […]

Overcoming Sales Team’s Challenges with Meetings Marketing Strategies

We know from experience (having worked for CVBs on the marketing and sales side) that the group sales team faces many challenges when trying to reach the organization’s goals to drive more meetings and conventions business.  Oftentimes, there’s a disconnect between marketing and sales and it’s of no fault of either one of the teams.   […]

Manageable Content Distribution Strategies to Get Your Content Seen or Heard

Without a content distribution strategy, even the most innovative, compelling and creative content may never be found. It’s deflating!  But don’t worry, an effective content distribution strategy will not only place your content in front of your targeted meeting and event planner audience, but it will also help your DMO build awareness, improve trust and […]

Geo-Fencing & Retargeting Explained in 250 Words

Shows like IMEX America, Connect Marketplace and ASAE’s Annual Meeting are creating some of the best opportunities for your DMO to get your message in front of meeting planners. How can you leverage these major industry events to create business for your destination? You reach planners where they always are…online. Peep Park City’s Geo-fencing campaign […]

3 Timesaving Tips for Managing Multiple Agencies

The days of being able to hire one agency for all of your marketing needs feel so dated; they feel almost . . . prehistoric.   Today, agencies are encouraged to specialize, as there is no possible way to be an expert at everything.  Digital Edge (DE) recognizes our own strengths, weaknesses and areas for growth. […]

Questions to Guide Your DMO’s Website Content Audit

For most of us, outdated or erroneous content is right up there with its absence—if it isn’t useful to us, what’s the point of it being there, right? It can be a problem. (Boy, if there were ever a time to insert the Infomercial Montage [First World Problems] video, now might be our only chance; […]