9 insights for DMOs 2018

[vc_column_text] 9 Insights for DMOs from DCI’s Research Study: A View from Meeting Planners: Winning Strategies in Destination Marketing. In this third edition of the semi-annual survey, Development Counselors International provides a peek into what planners are thinking that Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) can use to develop their own meetings marketing strategies. Here are our […]

Andge Shares Destination Imagery Insights on Zesty Marketing Podcast

No doubt, when you’re in the market for a new place to visit, you’re clicking through photos and videos that show off the sights to be seen and the adventures to be had. Some of them might not interest you as much as others – but have you ever wondered why? Well, Andrew Woods has, […]

2019 Design Trends

Let’s start by doing a Google search: “2019 Design Trends”. Take me away, Google. Let’s see: Gradients, Serifs, Asymmetrical Design…Moody Color Palettes. Déjà vu. Let’s check the next article: Asymmetrical Design, Serifs, Gradients…Isometric Design. Isometric design? I animated with isometrics back in June. Hmmm… As I continue to search through the never-ending list of “2019 […]

10 Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Destination Photos

Welcome to our first episode of “What Not To Use”: Destination Marketing Photography Edition. “Boy, this party really died.”   Guy in the tie: your hands say, I’m weighing an important decision, but your mouth indicates that you didn’t attempt to even have a fictitious dialogue with your motley crew of randoms during this awful […]

Digital Marketing Trends to Add to Your Destination Marketing in 2019

  Take Advantage of Micro-Moments DMOs need to be there when their audience reaches for their devices to create an informed decision. With all the influence out there, DMOs need to take advantage of the opportunity to engage in what Google calls, “micro-moments.” When a consumer turns to their phones to take action on something […]

Case Study: Experience Grand Rapids

[vc_video link=”https://youtu.be/yjYJCl618uc”] 577 LEADS GENERATED The Goal Drive lead generation for regional and national groups by lifting Grand Rapids’ reach and building national interest in the destination’s convention center offerings. Attract more citywide groups to the destination. We had to show the right planners how excellent Grand Rapids’ citywide package was and is: their walkable […]

7 Pointers for Your DMO’s Content Editorial Calendar

As Digital Marketers, We ❤ Editorial Calendars. Editorial calendars are imperative in a digital content strategy. They help maintain organization and consistency and are the frameworks for the content your DMO will create and distribute. We love the little guys. So here are some pointers to help you polish up your existing ones, or give […]

Critical Step for Your Content Strategy: Research

Researching for your content strategy involves a little digital elbow grease but once the effort is made, it will allow you to create relevant content that is geared specifically to your audience. Follow these tips to reach your DMO’s goals: Research your audience and determine “content personas.” Determine industry trends. Take inventory and fill any […]

10 Pointers from Digital Summit to Take Your DMO Into 2019

Didn’t make it to Digital Summit 2018 in Tampa this year? Didn’t make it to any digital summits this year? Are you just now, at this moment, crawling out from summer hibernation to greet the fall breeze? Chill. We’ll catch you up to speed with our key pointers from Digital Summit 2018 and beyond. 1. […]

5 Steps for a Successful Destination Marketing Video Shoot

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” Abraham Lincoln Take it from Abe: If done properly, the majority of your time spent on creating a successful destination marketing video should be spent mapping out a structured gameplan. Being properly prepared ahead of time […]